I am using a unique camera format to get at a distinctive sense of the New York landscape - the Holga, a cheap plastic camera available for about 35 bucks, is a funky piece of equipment (very low-tech) This is a film camera - medium format - I use Kodak Plus-X and Tri-X film. I take a very intuitive approach to making photographs with the Holga - the camera has no real adjustments (although it pretends to) and I don't use a light meter when I work with it. I work more from a sense or feel for the light - very different approach than the other camera formats I work with. The Holga is not an easy camera to come to terms with - it requires a serious commitment to understand what can be done with this camera - it took me quite awhile before I "got it". The cheap plastic lens contributes to the unique features of the images made with the Holga. It has developed a cult following of art photographers...and I am one of those cult members. I have been using the Holga for nearly 25 years - it became trendy a few years ago and there are now many variations of the camera and accessories available (you can get a "Holga" lens to go on your iPhone!) I only use the original film camera…the purest form of Holga.
Mark Kurtz